
来自Big Physics



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  1. Author-paper-concept network
  2. Authorship credit allocation game
  3. BBGKY方法用于化学主方程
  4. Bert相关材料
  5. Combining Distant and Direct Supervision for Neural Relation Extraction
  6. Concept Mapping of Scientometrics and its applications in scientometrical studies
  7. Construction of the Literature Graph in Semantic Scholar
  8. Cultural evolution over the last 40 years in China: Using the Google Ngram Viewer to study implications of social and political change for cultural values
  9. Cw2vec: Learning Chinese Word Embeddings with Stroke n-gram Information
  10. Dirac三偏振片实验
  11. Disrupted functional brain connectome in individuals at risk for Alzheimer’s disease
  12. Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality
  13. Do Mathematicians, Economists and Biomedical Scientists Trace Large Topics More Strongly Than Physicists
  14. Document-Level Definition Detection in Scholarly Documents: Existing Models, Error Analyses, and Future Directions
  15. End-to-end Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction using Pre-trained Language Models
  16. Extracting Scientific Figures with Distantly Supervised Neural Networks
  17. Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices
  18. Finding scientific topics
  19. GIO分析器
  20. GORC: A large contextual citation graph of academic papers
  21. GPT等当前人工智能的知识层次人才层次
  22. HEM中心性
  23. High-Precision Extraction of Emerging Concepts from Scientific Literature
  24. Highway
  25. Hijack
  26. Hotness Tracing
  27. Hybrid neural tagging model for open relation extraction
  28. IESS网站部署和更新
  29. IOFactor微扰计算
  30. Identifying Meaningful Citations
  31. Integer
  32. Integrate
  33. Inventor-patent-technology network
  34. Inverse Ising Inference Using All the Data
  35. Invitation to scientometrics
  36. Jacker
  37. Jacklight
  38. Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Based on a Novel Decomposition Strategy
  39. Lynkage概念地图软件
  40. Lynkage的实践
  41. Lynkage的测试
  42. Markov过程的阶和转移矩阵的计算程序
  43. Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times
  44. Measurement of risk attitude
  45. Measuring Meaningful Learning Experience: Confirmatory Factor Analysis
  46. Measuring academic influence: Not all citations are equal
  47. Measuring prerequisite relations among concepts
  48. Modeling the competing phase transition pathways in nanoscale olivine electrodes
  49. Multilevel development of cognitive abilities in an artificial neural network
  50. NER以及RE的负采样方法
  51. Neural Representations of Physics Concepts
  52. Newton第三定律
  53. Newton第二定律
  54. PaperRobot: Incremental Draft Generation of Scientific Ideas
  55. Poincaré Embeddings for Learning Hierarchical Representations
  56. Publication-patent-economics network
  57. P值和样本大小的关系
  58. S2ORC: The Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus
  59. SPECTER: Document-level Representation Learning using Citation-informed Transformers
  60. San Francisco DORA
  61. Sci-Tech Linkage
  62. Sci2100第一次讨论纪要
  63. SciBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Scientific Text
  64. SciREX: A Challenge Dataset for Document-Level Information Extraction
  65. ScienceBeam: Using open technology to extract knowledge from research PDFs
  66. ScienceWISE: Topic Modeling over Scientific Literature Networks
  67. Scihub-Libgen资源
  68. ScispaCy: Fast and Robust Models for Biomedical Natural Language Processing
  69. Simultaneous and selective inference: Current successes and future challenges
  70. Span-based Joint Entity and Relation Extraction withTransformer Pre-training
  71. Strain Accommodation during Phase Transformations in Olivine-Based Cathodes as a Materials Selection Criterion for High-Power Rechargeable Batteries
  72. Structural Scaffolds for Citation Intent Classification in Scientific Publications
  73. Surprised by the Gambler’s and Hot Hand Fallacies
  74. The AI2 system at SemEval-2017 Task 10 (ScienceIE): semi-supervised end-to-end entity and relation extraction
  75. The Effect of Repetition on Truth Judgments Across Development
  76. The Increasing Dominance of Teams in Production of Knowledge
  77. Theory and practise of the g-index
  78. Topic identification challenge
  79. Toward a Neurobiological Basis for Understanding Learning in University Modeling Instruction Physics Courses
  80. Transitive reduction of citation networks
  81. Using noun phrases extraction for the improvement of hybrid clustering with text- and citation-based components
  82. WHWM数学解题四问在解决数学问题上的表现
  83. WHWM是否提升阅读理解
  84. Word2vec用于概念地图制作
  85. “道尽高,言尽醇”——写在教育家张载诞辰1000周年
  86. 《Principles and Big Ideas of Science Education》- Read by xiangcao
  87. 《从一到无穷大》
  88. 一一到上映射
  89. 三段论
  90. 三维空间
  91. 三角函数
  92. 三角形ASA和AAS全等判定定理
  93. 三角形SAS(边角边)全等判定定理
  94. 三角形SSS(边边边)全等判定定理
  95. 三角形全等
  96. 三角形内角
  97. 三角形内角和公理
  98. 三角形内角外角定理
  99. 三角形外角
  100. 三角形外角大于不相邻内角定理

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