分类:Author-paper-concept network

来自Big Physics

Author-paper-concept network has three layer of networks.

Within the author layer, there are genealogical relations (see for example, [Mathematics Genealogy Project] and [The Academic Family Tree]). If necessary, other kind of relations such as extended family or friendship can also be included in this layer.

Within the paper layer, there are citation relations among papers. However, it is tricky that not all citations should be treated the equally. One would have to consider identification of backbone citation network, ie. take into account only those directly and meaningfully supporting references and get ride of those not-so-relevant-but-polite citations.

Within the concept layer, there are logical connections among concepts, such as velocity is defined as the ratio between displacement and time in the limit of infinite-small incremental time.

Between author and paper, the relation is author-write-paper.

Between paper and topics, the relation is paper-works on-concepts.

When combined with Inventor-patent-technology network, it becomes a Publication-patent network.
