
来自Big Physics



late Middle English: from Old French gelee ‘frost, jelly’, from Latin gelata ‘frozen’, from gelare ‘freeze’, from gelu ‘frost’.

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From Middle English jelyf, gelly, gelye, gelle, gelee, gele, from Old French gelee, from Old French geler(“to congeal”), from Latin gelāre.

Clipping of  jealous +‎  -y(informal adjective ending). 



jelly (n.)

late 14c., gelee, gelle, gelly, "semisolid substance from animal or vegetable material, spiced and used in cooking; chopped meat or fish served in such a jelly," from Old French gelee "a jelly," also "a frost," noun use of fem. past participle of geler "to congeal, to freeze," from Latin gelare "to freeze, congeal, stiffen," related to gelu "frost," from PIE *gela-, suffixed form of root *gel- "cold; to freeze."

By early 15c. it was used of any jellied or coagulated substance; from 16c. as "thickened juice of a fruit prepared as food."

jelly (v.)

c. 1600, transitive and intransitive, from jelly (n.). Related: Jellied; jellying.