
来自Big Physics



Middle English: perhaps the same word as hull2, or related to hold2.

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From Middle English hul, hulle, holle(“seed covering, hull of a ship”), from Old English hulu(“seed covering”), from Proto-Germanic *hul- (compare Dutch hul(“hood”), German Hülle, Hülse(“cover, veil”)), perhaps from Proto-Indo-European *ḱel-(“to cover, hide”); or possibly from Proto-Indo-European *kal-(“hard”) (compare Old Irish calad, calath(“hard”), Latin callus, callum(“rough skin”), Old Church Slavonic калити(kaliti, “to cool, harden”)). For the sense development, compare French coque(“nutshell; ship's hull”), Ancient Greek φάσηλος(phásēlos, “bean pod; yacht”).

From Middle English holle, hoole(“hull, hold of a ship, ship”), of uncertain origin. Possibly a variant and special use of Etymology 1 above, conformed to hull. Alternatively, a variant of Middle English hole, hoole, holle(“hiding place, lair, den, shelter, compartment”, literally “hole, hollow”), related to Middle Dutch and Dutch hol(“hole, ship's cargo hold”). More at hole.



hull (n.1)

"seed covering," Middle English hol, hole, from Old English hulu "husk, pod," from Proto-Germanic *hulu- "to cover" (source also of Old High German hulla, hulsa; German Hülle, Hülse, Dutch huls), from PIE root *kel- (1) "to cover, conceal, save." Figurative use by 1831.

hull (n.2)

"body of a ship," 1550s, usually said to be identical with hull (n.1) on fancied resemblance of ship keels to open peapods. Compare Latin carina "keel of a ship," originally "shell of a nut;" Greek phaselus "light passenger ship, yacht," literally "bean pod;" French coque "hull of a ship; shell of a walnut or egg." The alternative etymology is from Middle English hoole "ship's keel" (mid-15c.), from the same source as hold (n.) and conformed to hull (n.1).

hull (v.)

"to remove the husk of," early 15c., from hull (n.1). Related: Hulled, which can mean both "having a particular kind of hull" and "stripped of the hull."