
来自Big Physics



late 16th century (in the sense ‘dedicate formally, consecrate’): from Latin devot- ‘consecrated’, from the verb devovere, from de- ‘formally’ + vovere ‘to vow’.

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From Latin dēvōtus, past participle of Latin dēvoveō(“dedicate by a vow, sacrifice oneself, promise solemnly”).



devote (v.)

1580s, "appropriate by or as if by vow," from Latin devotus, past participle of devovere "dedicate by a vow, sacrifice oneself, promise solemnly," from de "down, away" (see de-) + vovere "to vow" (see vow (n.)). From c. 1600 as "apply zealously or exclusively." From 1640s as "to doom, consign to some harm or evil," and the word commonly had a negative sense in 18c.: The second and third meanings in Johnson's Dictionary (1755) are "to addict, to give up to ill" and "to curse, to execrate; to doom to destruction." Related: Devoted; devoting.

To devote indicates the inward act, state, or feeling; to dedicate is to set apart by a promise, and indicates primarily an external act; to consecrate is to make sacred, and refers to an act affecting the use or relations of the thing consecrated .... [Century Dictionary]