
来自Big Physics
Jinshanw讨论 | 贡献2020年12月24日 (四) 20:23的版本 →‎数学
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  1. How to Read A Book (《如何阅读一本书》)by M.J. Adler and C. Van Doren
  2. Study Less, Learn More(《如何高效学习》)by S. Young
  3. Aims of Education(《教育的目的》)by A. N. Whitehead
  4. 吴金闪《教的更少,学得更多》
  5. Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations(《学习、创造和使用知识:概念图促进企业和学校的学习变革》)by J. Novak
  6. Emile, or On Education(《爱弥儿:论教育》by Jean-Jacques Rousseau


  1. One Two Three . . . Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science(《从一到无穷大》) by G. Gamow
  2. Mathematics: A Very Short Introduction(《牛津数学读本》) by T. Gowers
  3. An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling(《数学模型引论》)by E.A.Bender
  4. The Model Thinker(《模型思维》)by Scott E. Page
  5. Burn Math Class: And Reinvent Mathematics for Yourself (《烧掉数学书》)by J. Wilkes
  6. 《概率论导引》 by A.N. Kolmogorov
  7. 吴金闪《小学数学这样学》(Elementary School Math Done Right)


  1. Art of Scientific Investigation (《科学研究的艺术》) by W.I.B. Beveridge
  2. The Logic of Scientific Discovery(《科学发现的逻辑》)by K. Popper
  3. The Evolution of Physics(《物理学的进化》)by A. Einstein and L. Infeld
  4. The Character of Physical Law (《物理定律的特性》) by R. Feynman
  5. The Meaning of It All: Thoughts of a Citizen-Scientist(《费曼讲演录:一个平民科学家的思想》)by R. Feynman
  6. Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!(《别闹了,费曼先生》)by R. Feynman等,实际上Feynman的所有科普书都非常值得推荐
  7. Feynman's Lectures on Physics(《费曼物理学讲义》)by R. Feynman等
  8. How Nature Works(《大自然如何工作》) by Per Bak
  9. 于渌,郝柏林和陈晓松《相变与临界现象》
  10. 赵凯华《定性和半定量物理学》
  11. 吴金闪“量子力学无基础入门”课程以及《二态系统的量子力学》


  1. Chaos: Making a New Science(《混沌开创新科学》) by James Gleick
  2. Systemic Thinking: Building Maps for Worlds of Systems(《系统图示法》)by J. Boardman and B. Sauser
  3. The Fifth Discipline(《第五项修炼》)by Peter Senge
  4. 吴金闪《系统科学导引》
  5. Exploring Complexity (《探索复杂性》)by G. Nicolis, G. Nocolis and I. Prigogine
  6. Complexity: A Very Short Introduction (《复杂性牛津读本》)by J.H. Holland


  1. 裘锡圭《文字学概要》
  2. 王宁《汉字构形学》
