分类:Invitation to scientometrics

来自Big Physics
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The big picture of scientometrics

Typical objects of studies, typical questions, typical ways of thinking, typical methods of analysis, and relation to other disciplines and the real world. For now, one may read [什么是科学计量学] on Jinshan's Blog [吴金闪的工作和思考].

Science and Scientific Research

Concept map: Knowledge Highway

Concept map, its relation to Scientific Research and communication, including teaching and learning, of science

Data in scientometrics

Data Framework

Refinement of Data

Name disambiguation

Citation and its backbone

Coarse grain

Tasks of scientometrics

Scientific fields and their interrelations

Technology domain the their interrelations

Science-Technology linkage

Science-Technology-Economics linkage

Patterns of scientists' activities

Patterns of scientific publications

Indicators and management of scientific research

Teaching and learning of science

Ways of Thinking and Methods of Analysis of Scientometrics

Scientific methods and thinking

Ways of thinking and methods of analysis of network science

Everything is connection

Direct and indirect connection

Co-occurrence analysis in the new framework

Traditional statistical analysis

Classification, somewhere in between

Application of the typical methods to typical tasks

On data refinement

On patterns of scientists' activities

On patterns of scientific publications

On indicators and management

On interrelationships

==On teaching and learning of science
