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Middle English (as a verb): from Old French amunter, from amont ‘upward’, literally ‘uphill’, from Latin ad montem . The noun use dates from the early 18th century.

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From Middle English amounten(“to mount up to, come up to, signify”), from Old French amonter(“to amount to”), from amont, amunt(“uphill, upward”), from the prepositional phrase a mont(“toward or to a mountain or heap”), from Latin ad montem, from ad(“to”) + montem, accusative of mons(“mountain”).



amount (v.)

late 13c., "to go up, rise, mount (a horse)," from Old French amonter "rise, go up; mean, signify," from amont (adv.) "upward, uphill," literally "to the mountain" (12c.), a contraction of the prepositional phrase a mont, from a (from Latin ad "to;" see ad-) + Latin montem (nominative mons) "mountain" (from PIE root *men- (2) "to project"). Meaning "to rise in number or quality (so as to reach)" is from c. 1300. Simple mount (v.) is not used in the physical senses. Related: Amounted; amounting.

amount (n.)

"quantity, sum," 1710, from amount (v.). As nouns, Middle English had amountance, amountment.